
Monday, 4 August 2014

How to download paid android apps.....

GOOGLE , formerly the Android Market, is a digital distribution platform for applications for the Android operating system and an online electronics and digital media store, operated by Google. The service allows users to browse and download applications developed with the Android SDK and published through Google, as well as music, magazines, books, movies, and television programs
. Users can also purchase hardware, such as ChromebooksGoogle Nexus-branded mobile devicesChrome casts, and accessories, through Google Play.But we also know that there are many apps which are paid this post will be telling you about how will you download paid Google apps for free....

1.For this you need a app called black mart which you can download .
2.Download it and just install the apk...
3.That's it you have all the paid apps for free on your device!!!!

This market is very simple to use and offers many features to be able to download many free applications .
On this market all applications can be downloaded for free, on the market Blackmart there is no application “trial ” or ” test ” , there are only complete applications and free.
The Google Play Store is a market that offers very comprehensive range of applications , but unfortunately on Google Play Store there are many applications for a fee and often some are not downloadable on certain smartphone or tablet even if they could be compatible.
Black mart don’t have problem is not there, just download the application and try it, there are no limitations .
Its market is very intuitive and has functions for custom search application.

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