
Monday, 4 August 2014

The great honor to study in KV......

The joy of studying in kv can't be regained in any other schools.there are many factors which proves my statement and the biggest factor is the love and affection of the teachers towards the children........
Some of the factors are..

1.Way of teaching-The teachers interact with each and every student and makes the student understand the concept until and unless the child understands it.doubts are cleared at any time and gives a slow learner some time to pick up the speed to catch the concept, still if they don't understand the concept, then the teacher teacher uses a practical method of teaching, this is what makes a KV famous in the field of teaching.....

2.Neatness and discipline-the neatness and discipline of the children is fabulous but i even want to mention this that the primary is better than that of the secondary neatness  and discipline  but if you see all round discipline of the school, its good.i accept that the private schools maintain much discipline but when subjected to outside surroundings the KV children behave far better that them........

3.Faculties-The KV provides enough faculties for the children to come and comfortably pass the total day in school.And the principal or the head of the institution is the one who takes so much effort to make the children educate without any problems(not in money matters).Every month they try to do something new which can impress the children and their parents.the principal doesn't leaves any stone unturned to provide the maximum.........

4.Co curricular activities-Every week in a KV you can notice something known as CCA competition, this is conducted because no child should be discriminated only in the basis of academics.We see there are different types of competitions held but not one & it takes place in several languages like english,hindi and sanskrit so this is another thing which contributes in the happiness of the child......

5.Sports-This is the place where a child can be free in the maximum level apart from classes and other things.
They express their talent without shy.Through this they mingle with different kind,religion,cast of people and be friendly.Even KV provides a chance to express their talent in a higher level through conducting sports meet and making them as a representative of a particular game of their KV................

By this the children will be happy and if the children are happy then they do their word in a very good manner and through this the over all development of school takes place .

So i conclude that i am proud to be a KVian...................

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