
Thursday, 20 November 2014


Hi friends today i am going to give you a brief account about PSA exam.

PSA that is Problem Solving Assessment is held for class 9 and 10.Students need to concentrate a lot on this because the whole of FA-4 marks depend on this therefore one needs to score a lot to maintain his or her grades high.

Some of the strategies to prepare for PSA are......

1)First of all referring any book is a waste of time and money but one can get a idea that how the questions will be asked.

2)A student should refer all the sample papers and the previous year question papers, it  will be very useful and teaches you to manage time.

3)One day before the examination everybody need to relax and pray to god that there  shouldn't be any type of distraction,and meditate for a while.Once see all the formulae related to the chapters.

4)One needs to be very good in English and grammar to score because English is the main part of PSA and has more weightage than other parts.

5)There will be three parts that is Language and conventions, Qualitative reasoning , Quantitative reasoning.

6)After getting the question paper and OMR sheet first fill up your name and other things because without that your sheet will be declared invalid and therefore no marks, so be careful while filling these things.

7)As you need to circle your answers with PEN, start circling all those answers which you are sure about and need no change,and then start doing the questions which need little bit of thinking and then at last a student should go to Quantitative reasoning.

8)After you have completed your paper, check whether you have attempted every question or not.

9)If a question has wrong options then tick any one and you will be granted marks even if it is wrong.

10)After the exam don't try to discuss anything because this will lead to confusion,tension etc.

So be cool and write well.......!!!!!!@@###$$$$%%%%^

Best of luck!!!!!!break a leg!!!!!

The article is small but has lot of content......

Hope you liked this article.....

If you have any doubt regarding the procedure of PSA then Please let me writing your comment..........

Stay tuned for more updates........!@#$%^&*()_+

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